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Final Destination
Year : 2000
Country : United-States

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Emmitt  [ 6.0 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Strange thriller about a teen who is psychic and anticipates a lot of bad things happening from a plane crash to a woman's house burning down. The movie has its moments but the premise is out to lunch

earlgrey  [ 6.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

A boy has a dream that a plane that he is on will crash. He gets of the plane with several others. But they were supposed to die in the crash, so fate tries to set things right.
This movie tries to endow fate with motives and conscious thought. I can not agree with this premise but nonetheless, the movie is entertaining to watch. There is some violence in the movie so this may not be appropriate for younger viewers.

KIL  [ 3.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Why did people like this? Cheesy movie, cheesy actors. www.outcrybookreview.com/meat.htm

WEIRDO!!  [ 9.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

I best horror movie ever.It has a lot of suspence that will make you sweat.

chapter11  [ 6.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Refreshingly original teen slasher "Final Destination" spices up its big-picture agenda - to kill unfortunate teenagers - with existentialist reasoning and diabolical in-jokes aplenty, making for a surprisingly substantial (and entertaining) way to spend your 90 minutes. The teens are executed not by a shrouded, menacing figure with a blade, but creatively - via a kind of toppling-domino, Rube Goldberg effect. Sure, it doesn't fully escape the laws of predictability, but at least we know we'll be surprised by the manner in which the next person dies. Additionally, characters with names like Murnau, Hitchcock, Chaney, and Shreck will come as delightful in-jokes for old-school horror fans, and sly, cheeky death humor like scoring the death of someone who narrowly escaped a plane crash with a John Denver song is not uncommon. Violent, escapist entertainment with some semblance of a brain.

Wizard  [ 6.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

I liked the basic idea right from the start and the film mostly succeeds to make the simple premise interesting. I wished the death (or better the writer) would have a little more imagininative and creative.

kcremer  [ 7.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Predictable and ridiculous, but entertaining.

DokBrowne   9.0  ]
jeff_v   6.0  ]
dayfornight   5.0  ]
rleduff   7.5  ]
youngg8578   3.5  ]
swblack   4.5  ]
scottwblack   4.5  ]

Weighted Rating : 6.3
No. Ratings : 14
No. Reviews : 7

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2000 285
2000's 2703
All-time 14528

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2000's 183
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