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Magnum Force
Year : 1973
Country : United-States

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Dancing_P  [ 5.0 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

The original Dirty Harry is knocked down a few notches with this paint-by-numbers sequel disappointingly scripted by John Milius and Michael Cimino. Clint Eastwood returns as Harry Callahan, even more steely-eyed and superhuman this time around. He's still a loose cannon, still trying to be contained by higher-up Hal Holbrook. This becomes a problem when someone starts murdering criminals and corrupt cops and Callahan attempts to find out who. The plot points are telegraphed to the extreme, rendering actual plot development practically useless. Callahan's badassedness is overplayed to the point of ridiculousness, as if he had a look at the screenplay beforehand and planned accordingly. A little glare goes a long way, though, and it's undeniable that Eastwood owns this role. It remains watchable if only because Eastwood is so goddamned perfect. While every plot point is telegraphed, Eastwood's squints hold just as much weight as they always did.

Corto  [ 7.0 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Dirty Harry definetly needed no sequels but this one was able to make the original even stronger. The great music score and Clint's acting cannot fail so this is a movie definetly worth to watch...esp. for those who enjoyed the first one like I did.

jeff_v  [ 6.0 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

The series slides into mediocrity in the second installment. Harry isn't as angry or funny, or even as dirty, as he was in Dirty Harry, and the story is ridiculous. In fact, the biggest laughs come from the audacity of the writers' (John Milius and Michael Cimino) implausibility, like the way airport security just lets Harry pose as a pilot to thwart some hijackers. The theme of "knowing your limitations," which extends to the justice system has potential for an interesting film, but no one wants to watch Sidney Lumet direct a Dirty Harry movie, probably.

JD  [ 7.0 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

The lesser film of the entire Dirty Harry series still offers more then an average cop/action movie. Compared to the likes of Dirty Harry or Sudden Impact however, this is a notch down.

Emmitt  [ 7.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Good Clint Eastwood Thriller. Not his best effort like Escape From Alcatraz, but hardly a disaster.

FireGod   6.0  ]
astrosheil   6.0  ]

Weighted Rating : 6.5
No. Ratings : 7
No. Reviews : 5

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Ranked by Rating
1973 109
1970's 799
All-time 12241

Ranked by No. Ratings
1973 16
1970's 138
All-time 2221

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