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Your Host  : Franc28
Most Recent Update  : 3 / 6 / 2006
Number of Ratings  : 301
Number of Reviews  : 53 ( 18 % )
Avg Rating  : 7.0
Avg No. Words per Review  : 214.9

You do not have the right to your own facts. You do not have the right to your own opinions. Your only choice is to seek reality and progress, or attack those who do.


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 m o s t   r e c e n t   r e v i e w s
Fils, Le • •  10
Final Cut, The • •  9.5
Stuart Saves His Family • •  8
Shrek 2 • •  9
Small Change • •  8

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Author's subtext and viewer's subtext, who is right ?
"Best" vs "favourite" : what does it mean to evaluate movies ?
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