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35 Shots of Rum
Year : 2008
Country : France

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o t h e r   r e v i e w e r s :

jeff_v  [ 7.5 ]    [ add to preferred ]    [ email this review to a friend ]

Quietly effective Claire Denis film that relies on environment, relationships and things not said to depict how family sits at one's inner core and is where love originates. It can also be a tomb if it's not breached though, and the father and daughter struggle to let others in, and access their lives, and expand their family. (Sorry, it's hard to articulate what a film is about when it's so intuitively felt. Most movies just tell this stuff straightforwardly or through obvious signposts.)

Corto   7.5  ]

Weighted Rating : 6.9
No. Ratings : 2
No. Reviews : 1

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Ranked by Rating
2008 60
2000's 655
All-time 4154

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2008 100
2000's 1533
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