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movieadmiral [ 10.0 ]
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The Matrix is my favorite movie of all time. It's as simple as that. After I saw "The Matrix," I could not think of anything else for the next 2 days. It has totally changed how movies are produced and filmed.
The special effects are amazing and the plot is mind-bending(Yes, I know that it is similar to the 1998 sci-fi thriller, "Dark City". But the plot moves more swiftly and smoother) Lawrence Fishburne gives the best performance, but has good backup by Carrie Anne Moss and Keanu Reeves in his best movie since "Speed."
Keanu Reeves plays Neo, a computer hacker who sees the world a little differently. He has spent the last few years looking for the man who he believes will save him, Morpheus. When he finally finds him, he is given a horrible truth.
Morpheus tells him that the world is a hoax and is run by machines. The whole human race has been in a deep-sleep for the past 200 years where they are put into a world that is so real that they cannot tell the difference between the real world and the computer world. Only very few notice the slightest weirdness.
Morpheus tells Neo that he believes that he is "the one" who can save human kind from "the matrix." Please do not make the mistake at listening lazily to the dialogue because there are lines that are so key to the movie's progression that if you miss it, all you will be looking at the rest of the movie is special effects and won't know what's going on.
This is a see and see again movie(27 times and counting for me, no joke). You will be fascinated by the effects over and over again and will greatly enjoy it over and over.
"What is The Matrix? Go buy it and find out."
chapter11 [ 7.0 ]
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Despite all the tiring slo-mo effects and religious allegories, "The Matrix" ably works its magic as a respectable sci-fi film. Of course, it also suffers from massive "Star Wars"-style overexposure, but, fortunately, also draws comparisons to that sci-fi landmark in terms of the revolultionary nature of its special effects. Now, just because a movie is a science fiction landmark doesn't exactly make it high art: Keanu Reeves, much like Mark Hamill before him, is not and will never be much of an actor. Fortunately, "The Matrix" sports a great ensemble cast--- Laurence Fishburne, Joe Pantoliano, and a diabolical Hugo Weaving are all magnificent--- and the movie isn't short on titillating action sequences. As far as big, effects-laden cinema goes, this one is a winner.
Hitchcockian [ 9.5 ]
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The Matrix is directed by the Wachowski Brothers and stars Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne, and Carrie-Anne Moss. It boasts a plethora of fantastic elements, smart filmmaking, intelligent dialogue, and chimerical special effects. It's this combination that makes The Matrix an awe-inspiring cinematic achievement.
gamer27 [ 10.0 ]
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This movie maybe my favorite action/scifi/kung fu movie. When I first saw this film years ago, I thought it was the best film known to man. My thoughts have changed over the years and have grown up a little and watching the old classics such as Citizen Kane and The Godfather. I watched it again recently and enjoyed the hell out off it. This is still and will probably forever be the most stylized and creative action movie to man. The W Brothers thought up one hell of a story! This movie will and always be the best Matrix movie.
**** out of ****
scottwblack [ 6.5 ]
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Ignore the laughable, Kung-Fu-esque dialogue and enjoy the Wachowski Brothers' beautiful compositions and dystopian imagery. Just one thing: why the hell does The One have to be a boring-ass whitebread SoCal surfer dude?
brandon [ 9.0 ]
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a nice concept (unfortunately it wasn't delved into deeper), some incredible action sequences (unfortunately the trailer spoiled what would have been some of the best surprises) .. unfortunately, the typical hollywood action formula lay not too far below the surface, else this could have been something truly special. i feel giving it a 9 may be a bit high, but i can't deny the fact that i just tried to see it for the third time in the past five days.
babyduck [ 10.0 ]
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Here it is - the first 10 of the year. Simply mind blowing in its scope - very original (Twisted together a variety of science fiction plot lines) and the action scenes were simply incredible. Definitely one movie to see in the theater more than once. The action choreography gives one the feeling that one is watching a live action anime flick. Keanu does a surprisingly good job in his role (despite having those low Keanu toleranse issues).
traino [ 5.5 ]
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Unlike my friends I thought the Matrix was not worth the price of admission - I like almost all movies but no where near the high rankings given...
This movie played on the present net hype prevalant in today's society - the special effects were ok but the acting and especially the plot were quite droll
fumanchu [ 7.5 ]
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Well, this movie might have gotten a 10, but Keanu had to ruin it. That ending scene with him trying to act cool was unnecessary and just ugly. Intriguing premise and plot. Oh yea, I need to get a cell phone and now I have Nokia implanted into my head.
radison [ 9.0 ]
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To me there wasn't a real ending (Leaving it open for a sequel I suppose). Otherwise this futeristic film was pretty good in my opinion, but it just left me hanging, not knowing exactly what was going on in the end.
thekrow [ 9.0 ]
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As a huge fan of science fiction, I am naturally a huge fan of this flick. It had me asking for more, each time I watched it, it asked me for more. As I sneak my drinks, (as everyone does), I sat back and sipped down some SoBe Wisdom. (http://www.sobebev.com) [Advertisement!] It had some harsh language, and was hard to understand for some people. Most movies based around computer technology tend to act totally ignorant, but this movie was different. I suggest that if you really know your sci-fi, you go watch this movie.
Speck [ 6.0 ]
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Don't get me wrong, I loved the special effects and the wonderful costumes, but a movie can not live on special effects and costumes alone. Fishburne, Moss and Weaving did thier best with a script that would have given the audience a concussion if it hit them any harder over the head with the truth about the Matrix. And as far as Keanu Reeves?! Stick with your band because you sure can't act to save your life!
Mohawk [ 8.5 ]
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Similar to Dark City but better done. Reeves isn't too bad and is supported by a decent cast. I felt more could have been done with the ending, but as I came to this movie not expecting much and I walked away still wondering about 'The Matrix' proves it made quite an impression on me....
SciGuy [ 9.5 ]
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One of the greatest movies of all time! Sometimes movies with a lot of action and/or special effects will be lacking in other areas, but not Matrix! It is very intriguing and exciting. It is unfortunate that some people are reminded of the trenchcoat killers when they see this movie. Just enjoy it, it's great!
astrosheil [ 8.0 ]
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I did my husband a favor by seeing this. I didn't expect to like it. Well, I was wrong. I watched this movie with my eyes half closed and clutching my husband's hand in terror. And I enjoyed every minute. It is a fast moving, gripping well made movie that will keep your attention every minute. I waalked out of there in a state of shock. And loving every minute.
Ria [ 7.5 ]
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The movie i am going to do this review on is THE MATRIX. the Matrix is a science fiction movie which focuses on the different aspects of life. I am not a science fiction fan, but i thought that The matrix was a worth while movie to watch. One of the main characters is Neo who is played by Keanu Reeves. I liked this character because it had a realistic appeal to it.
This movie discussed Reality. What is real? What is a dream? and "how do we find the difference between the real world and the dream world?" The main story behind the movie is that The artificiall intelligence which is like the machines created a computer construct of the world and fed it to out brains which is hooked by a computer hard drive. Basically that means that reality Exists BUT only in our minds. why is the artificcill intelligence doing this? because they need the human bodies for their energy. So some humans who are FREED from the dream world have to destroy the matrix and end the domination of the machines. The big question that remains is that HOW DO THEY DO THIS? well you have to watch the movie to see this. Because as the say in the movie "No one can be told what the Matrix is." and that goes for the movie as well. I reckon the movie is pretty good and you might be a little bored and confused in the beginning but It is a proimising movie and it is GOOD. It gets better and better as it goes along.
Stitch [ 9.5 ]
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This movie floored me. It worked on so many levels. There is action, metaphysical ideas, a love story, good ole' Sci-fi, and special effects to blow your mind. Keanu Reeves can be hit or miss in his movies but he really hit big in this one. Even poking fun at his percieved persona. It is unfortunate that this movie with its gun-toting, trenchcoat wearing heroes was released around the same time as the Columbine killings, and that adds a bit of a wince factor in certain scenes. However, it is cinematic art at its best and decidedly worth seeing.
Hasato [ 10.0 ]
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I only got one thing to say after seeing this DVD:
The surround sound (Dolby Digital on DVD), story and picture, this is movie that just deserves a straight 10.
The best thing about this movie is the unique story, it can't be explained, you just have to watch it.
Love_Spoon [ 9.0 ]
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There are not too many films that make you walk out of the theater seeing the whole world differently. Matrix is one of those films. The special effects work, although surprisingly, well-deserved the four Academy Awards. If you haven't seen The Matrix yet, see it today. If you see it on video, turn off the lights, turn up the volume, and sit really close. It is a ride of a film to experience.
SilverHorse7 [ 10.0 ]
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Very..very 10! This movie was great! The actors fit there parts perfect and everything! It has a very good plot...that if you think about it..might not be too fictional.. This is the kind of movie that a kid would see and be playing in there, imagination games, for a while. It really makes you think... anyways, form the thinking part.. The acting was awesome and the action seens, WOW! GREAT computer graphics and everything! Personally I've seen it 7 times..eeps..and going to again this Sunday with a friend at her house. This is the kinda movie you could watch over and over again and keep seeing new little things you didn't see before!
DeadCanadian [ 8.5 ]
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First of all, I would like to point out that this movie's central idea is not as original as many make it out to be. Its idea has been the subject of many sci fi books and even a few movies. But anyway, this is the best of the movies about this. The special effects are incredible. The acting is very good, and Keanu Reeves wasn't even annoying! It has some of the best fight scenes I've ever seen. This is definately an above-average action film. Keanu Reeves isn't even annoying. Deja vu, eh?
Weighted Rating | : 7.9 |
No. Ratings | : 71 | |
No. Reviews | : 37 | |